Thursday, December 07, 2006

My worst nightmare

I hate moths, which some of you may well know. The bigger the moth, the more I hate it ::shudder::

About three weeks before my departure from Tanzania, Jake and I went out to use the Internet at Moringe Sokoine Secondary School at 9pm. Dr. Msinjili let us out the front door after dinner, and on my way out, something the size of a sparrow flitted against my cheek and flew inside the Msinjili house. I froze, probably had a small heart attack, and ceased breathing momentarily when I discovered that this huge flying creature was a MOTH!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Everything in Tanzania is huge. It must be the mutant sunrays that cause mutant creatures and plants. Seriously. Elephants? Giraffes? HUGE aloe plants (which aren't really aloe plants), gigantic locusts, dung beatles, huge hawklike birds with dinosaur feet? It's like evolution sort of stopped part way in Africa, and all the plants and animals are still halfway prehistoric. It's crazy.